Rooted in Tradition

Creating a thriving local food community for future generations !

Pure & Simple

Our family's history is rooted in agriculture right here in California.  In 1849 Josh’s ancestors settled in Columbia and began raising cattle. His great-grandfather later hauled timber with mules for the original Melones Dam. A century later, my father arrived from Portugal, farming sweet potatoes and watermelons in the Central Valley before working and retiring from TID, where he delivered water to local crops and pastures.

Inspired by our hardworking ancestors, we embrace a life rooted in agriculture. We are passionate about local food and traditional skills, we aim to create a community where town and country folk alike can connect with their food sources.  The heritage grains grown by nearby farms are rich in tradition and flavor allowing everyone to enjoy fresh, wholesome nourishment. Let’s show our children the value of their food and those who produce it, reviving lost skills for a better way forward.

Why Tegner Mill?

It’s more than a road name - its a piece of history.  My mom went to the one-room “Tegner” school and families have lived and thrived on our farm for generations.  Just like our flour, there is a rich history in how its produced and the hands of families are behind it all.  We’re passionate about bring you local flour.